Classified Ad Posting Utility for Craigslist
Developed by Sam Raheb ©2008

Copy and Paste the following information into Craigslist's Posting Form
The information shown below is your Classified Ad displayed in a format similar to Craigslist's Posting Form. All you need to do is transfer this information into Craigslist's Posting Form. For instructions, check the Display Instructions on Posting Form check box on the Ad Design form before you generate this page.
  1. For Internet Explorer users, click on the Field Name to copy the Form field item into memory. The selection will be highlighted.
    For Mozilla Firefox users, click on the Field Name and then manually copy (Ctrl c) the highlighted selection into memory.
  2. Switch over to Craigslist's Posting Form and manually paste (Ctrl v) the information from step (1) into the corresponding Form field.
  3. Repeat steps (1) and (2) for all form fields you need to utilize.
Posting Title:
Specific Location:
Email Address:
Your Age:
Posting Description: