

Many things are new and upcoming for DemoStore Online. The following outlines the changes coming about. Very soon we will be offering new product lines and lower prices to our customers.



New Year - New Product Lines



As of the New Year we added Televisions, Cellular Phones, Digital Cameras, and Car Audio to its line of products. This product expansion will help make us a better one-stop shopping source. Please browse our selection of products and take advantage of our low prices.


Mid Year - Addition of Software Products



In Mid Year we plan to add software to our line of products. This would include software for Windows, Mac, and Linux type computers. We will be offering a variety of Operating Systems, Applications, and Games for all these platforms.


End of Year - New 300,000 sq. ft. Facility



At the end of this year we plan to acquire an additional new 300,000 sq. ft. facility. This new facility will allow us to retain a larger warehouse inventory of products and permit us to purchase larger bulk quantities of products from manufacturers at lower prices. With this larger bulk buying power, we will be able to offer lower prices to our customers.