XLEcom Version 3.91 Released

XLEcom Version 3.91 Released

Version 3.91 (3.91.419) released on April 27, 2006

New Feature:

  • Added an Error Checking function to the "Category Review" routine.
    This error checking functions checks for Product pages that contain too many products ads per page.
  • Number of Product Ads per Sub Category / Page
    Keep in mind that each sub category results in one published HTML product page. Therefore you need to consider the following:

    (1) The more products / page, the longer the page will take to download. Be aware of your visitor's download speed if they are viewing your website via a telephone dial-up connection. It is also advisable to check the Published HTML file sizes to see if they are all within a reasonable size for downloading.

    (2) How big of a list of products do you want to make your visitors scroll through on "one" page to find the product they want?" You may want to subdivide these products into additional sub categories to lower the number of products per page. Try not to place more that 30 products per sub category.

    Warning: The largest single HTML file that Excel can publish can only contain a maximum of 65,536 lines. This maximum limit is reached when there are usually more than 750 products listed in a single sub category. If you exceed this limit, a Publishing error will occur.

Code Optimization:

  • Changed the "Category Preview" Print setting from "Fit to 1 page wide by 1 tall" to "Adjust to 87% normal size" so it can span multiple pages.
  • Increased the reliability of "Update Database" routine on Database sheet and added a user interface dialog box to the routine.

Feature Repair:

  • The previous version 3.9 update caused a error in the currency symbol for the "Our Price" value. This version 3.91 release fixes the problem.

Upgrading from Version 3.9 to Version 3.91
All the key data form version 3.9 such as the Product Database, Categories, Site Themes, Support Pages, and FTP Account settings can be imported into the new version 3.91 via the Import utility. First export the data from the older 3.9 version using the Export utility and then import the data into the new 3.91 version using the Import utility. The Import / Export utilities can be accessed via the Product Design sheet.

Upgrading from Versions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8 to Version 3.91

Step 1:
All the key data form versions 3.5 through 3.8 such as the Product Database, Categories, Site Themes, Support Pages, and FTP Account settings can be imported into the new version 3.91 via the Import utility. First export the data from the older 3.5 through 3.8 version using the Export utility and then import the data into the new 3.91 version using the Import utility. The Import / Export utilities can be accessed via the Product Design sheet.

Step 2:
After you have imported your data into the new version 3.91 program, you need replace all the old "You Save" formulas in column S on the Database sheet with the new formulas. This is because the import routine replaced the new formulas in version 3.91 with the old formulas from the old version of the program. Both the old and new formula statements are shown below.

The old formula is:
=IF(ISERROR((Q3-R3)/Q3)=TRUE,"Enter Prices",TEXT(Q3-R3,"$#,##0.00")&" ("&TEXT((Q3-R3)/Q3,"0.0%")&")")

The new formula is:
=IF(ISNUMBER(R3)=TRUE,IF(ISERROR((Q3-R3)/Q3)=TRUE,"Enter Prices",TEXT(Q3-R3,"$#,##0.00")&" ("&TEXT((Q3-R3)/Q3,"0.0%")&")"),"")

To upgrade the formulas, you have to open two Excel files. The first file being the new XLEcom version of the program with your store data from the old version previously imported into the new program. The second file is a copy of the new program as originally distributed that contains the data for the DemoStore.

Switch to the second file (the original unmodified distribution file) and select the Database sheet. Highlight and copy only cell S3 from this file. Now switch to the first file (the new version file containing your store data) and select the Database sheet. Highlight all the cells in column S that contain data starting with cell S3 and moving vertically downwards towards the end of the Product Ad list. Next, choose the Paste command to overwrite all the old "You Save" formulas with the new formula. That's it. Remember to save your upgraded version of the program.